#1 Online Fishing Charter Booking Software for Sportfishing Charter Companies

Online Fishing Charter Reservation Software specifically designed for Sportfishing and Charter boats

We don’t believe any online booking service is entitled to ANY percentage of YOUR profits, especially the 3%, 5%, 7% or MORE our competitor’s charge. And, at your option, the 99 cent fee we charge can be billed to each customer as a convenience fee. The cost to you to use our online booking system is now ZERO, ZILCH, NADA! You keep 100% of your hard-earned money. We at GoFish.Rocks understand that running a sportfishing or any charter boat operation can be complicated, challenging, and costly, especially while prices are skyrocketing as they are today! Just the costs of necessities to operate such as fuel, oil, and insurance are increasing at a rate that makes it a struggle to literally keep your business afloat! We want to help you navigate to smoother seas by saving you money on your sportfishing charter booking software. TRY OUR GOFISH  COST CALCULATOR and see how much you can save every year.

That’s a primary reason we developed sportfishing charter booking software specifically for the sportfishing and charter boats, whale watching and nautical excursions. Our online reservation systems let you take reservations on your website, manage bookings, and run everything from your computer or smartphone for just 99 cents per passenger. We don’t touch your money.
Click here to watch a crew member explain more!
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What type of trips do you run?

When you run an event where individuals can buy online individual seats, one or multiple seats, our ticketing system is great because they receive their confirmation via text and email and mobile alerts allow you to communicate with your passengers individually and there's is no account creation. All guest check out, making it a quick and easy checkout system at the flat rate of 99 cents. There's a toggle switch where you can choose to attach it to the client or you can absorb it with ease.
We're proud of all that we've learned about the geographical and needs of all the different places. So we now have charters where you can book individual slots, multiple slots, multiple trip types, multiple days, all by the boat or by multiple boats.

Open Boats /Head Boats

Open Party boats, also referred to locally as ‘open boats’ or ‘head boats’, are vessels that accommodate from six to as many as two hundred anglers on each trip. These are ticketed events and there can be different tickets for different age groups.

Charter Boats

Charter boats service groups of fewer passengers (up to six) for a flat rate fee but captain may combine reservations and carry more than one group of anglers on the same fishing trip on a per angler cost basis.
For longer trips captain may add additional cost like fuel surcharge
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The Competition Explained
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Tours and Activities Business Booking Software Key Features

GoFish Cost Calculator

Incredible $avings! See for yourself how much you can $ave every year.

  Revenue Cost
$0.99 per guest
Competitor #1
3% charge
Competitor #2
5% charge
Competitor #3
7% charge

What does GoFish Online Fishing Charter Booking Software do for you?

Streamline Trip Management

Use our system to create detailed, repeatable templates for all your trips. Create a trip experience once, and reuse it.

Get paid directly

We connect your credit card processor to your system and you get paid directly. We don't touch your money, and you own all of your data.

Check In System

This feature allows you to do multiple things to save time and keep accurate records. Process your customers as they check in, mark no-shows, add walk-ups, and more. This automatically records passenger status to the manifest.

Notify your customers

Use our messaging feature to quickly text and email your customers. Confirmations, cancellations, waitlisting, rescheduling - you can manage everything in one place.

Special tool for Custom Charters

Create custom charters with variants in few clicks. Your customers can choose among different custom charter options you create and make an online booking.

Automatically track every booking action

Who did what with each booking? Our software tracks each time a booking is viewed, moved, canceled, sent announcements, and so on. These actions are recorded by the system in that bookings notes area. This feature efficiently saves you time and keeps accurate records.

Charter Booking Software Screenshot
Ease of use
Save Money
US based
Save Time

The Best Fishing Charter Booking Software

The reason we have decided to offer such a low fee is simple; we want your business to prosper, so we in turn can prosper. Our parent corporation, TheFinalCode.com, has been developing unique code for state of the art software projects in many business facets for 20 years. From interactions with clients operating sportfishing and other charters, they heard several complaints related to the booking software their clients were using. They decided to develop an online reservation system that evolves with a client’s specific business goals to improve their online operations. They also noticed how much larger booking reservation system providers charged for their services, and thought that there should be a better way that doesn’t cost an arm and a fin! That’s what led them to instruct their design team to develop GoFish.Rocks. Our success is based on YOURS, so we are motivated to make this business profitable for both parties by keeping our clients satisfied in hopes they tell other boat charter operators.

A Modern Booking Software for Sportfishing

Our booking software is a modern system that embeds on your website and lets your guests book online.

It includes a huge amount of features specifically designed to cater to people who run charter boats, sportfishing trips, whale watching tours, and all kinds of experiences in the activity businesses.

Try our interactive demo here or request a live demo here. When we set up a live demo we visit your website to gather your trip types and info, your terms and conditions, your images and whatever else is needed to allow for the demo to be ready to go. Once the demo is completed and modifications will be made by your GoFish.Rocks dedicated rep on the fly. To go live you need to merely click to live. It’s really that simple.
Additional benefits of our software include a dynamic fish count to let potential customers know what fish are being caught on YOUR vessel! Clients love to see what fish you are catching, and will spend more time on your site leading to increased business. Click here to see more about our fish count feature.
Boat Booking System Demo

GoFish is an investment of years of research and development

Why we created a better way to help people book with you.

We’ve worked with sportfishing and whale-watching operations for years. We saw the problems that they experiencing in their bookings, like high fees, not owning their own data, being locked into contracts,and being held back by data workflows.

We listened to what boat owners, operators, and landing managers and what they wanted in a booking solution. That was the impetus to develop GoFish.Rocks to address those concerns.

GoFish is flexible and an easy to use system

To make it easy to get started. We handle the entire setup.

Mobile Responsive

Run your entire business from your phone

From single boat to big landings, GoFish works for all

Check out the Fish Counts page for real time experience of our Fish Counts System