West Coast Saltwater Whales and Mammals

01 October

Pacific Bonito is a species from the family Scombridae and Genus Sarda. It looks unique because of its metallic colours that glare blue, violet, and silver colour.These fishes can grow up to 1.22 m (4ft) in length and 25 lbs in weight. Bonito fishes reside in the Pacific Oceans.The Bonito are designed sharp to gain […]

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28 July

Kelp Greenling is a species of greenling. The scientific name of the Kelp Greenling is Hexagrammos decagrammus. They are a family member of Hexagrammidae. The Kelp greenling and Rock Greenling are quiet identical in their body designs and both of them are found in the waters of Central and Northern California, Northern Pacific around the […]

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28 July

Kelp Rockfish has a scientific name Sebastes atrovirens. It is a specie of S. atrovirens, GenusSebastes and family Sebastidae.These fishes are endemic to the waters of the Pacific Ocean along the coast of California in the US.In the waters, these fishes are seen in the rocky seabed and kelp waters. As a predator, it hunts […]

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28 July

King Salmon is also called as Chinook Salmon. The scientific name of King Salmon is Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. It belongs to the family of Salmonidae. King Salmon or Chinook Salmon are the largest of all the Pacific Salmon.These Salmon fishes can be found in multiple colours such as blue-green, red, purple etc on the top while […]

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28 July

Leopard Sharks have a scientific name Triakis semifasciata. These houndsharks belongs to the family Triakidae. As the name suggests; these sharks have a unique design on the dorsal park that resembles similar to that of the patterns of a leopard. The upper part has black saddle like markings along with large spots.These sharks are found […]

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28 July

Lingcod is scientifically called as Ophiodon elongates. It belongs to the family Hexagrammidae and is also known as buffalo cod or cultus cod.Lingcod fishes are normally seen in the bottom near the rocky areas of 32 to 328 ft. These fishes are dark brown, grey on the dorsal with similar to copper colour spots.These fishes […]

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28 July

The Mako Shark is also popular with the name Blue Pointer or Bonito Shark. It is powerful, aggressive and has been blamed for several attacks on humans. It is also considered as one of the fastest sharks ever seen and while hunting, it swims around the prey in different patterns to ensure maximum impact during […]

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28 July

Ocean Perch is scientifically called as Sebastes alutus. It is a delicacy and has great food value. It belongs to the family Sebastidae and genus Sebastes.There are plenty of the Ocean Perch in the waters of Northern Pacific to Honshu, Japan including the Bering Sea.The Ocean Perch fishes are light red with several olive-green patches […]

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28 July

Ocean Whitefish or Caulolatilus princeps is a unique species tilefish of genusCaulolatilus and family Malacanthidae.The Whitefish belong to the Pacific Ocean where waters from California to Peru are its native regions.While in the waters, these fishes can be found on sandy and rocky seafloors. The colour anatomy of the fish is that it is brown […]

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28 July

The Olive Rockfish is also called with the scientific name Sebastes serranoides. These rockfishes are also referred to as ‘Jonny Bass’.Olive Rockfishes can be found in dark olive colour along with brown, dark brown colour with white botches and spots on the upper sides.The snout of these fishes are pointed, long and the body is […]

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