West Coast Saltwater Whales and Mammals

28 July

Skipjack Tuna is scientifically called (Katsuwonus pelamis), it is a medium-sized fish belonging to the Scombridae family.The other names of this fish are – balaya, tongkol, arctic bonito, mushmouth, oceanic bonito, striped tuna or victor fish.It is one of the prime game fish caught using big nets also called purse seine nets. In 2009, due […]

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28 July

The Smooth hound shark belongs to the family of Triakidae and can be further categorized into 28 more species under this genus. The color of the shark is generally grey–brown and is generally found in the temperate east Atlantic, Morocco, Canaries, South Africa, and the Indian Ocean coast. Smooth hound sharks prefer to swim in […]

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28 July

The Snowy Grouper has the scientific name (Hyporthodus niveatus) and is a marine fish in the family of Serranidae. It can be called a global fish because of its presence in the global waters of the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Bahamas, Brazil, USA, Panama, Venezuela, Guatemala, and many more.The Grouper fish is generally dark […]

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28 July

A Soupfin shark is also called as School shark, Tope Shark, and Snapper Shark! It belongs to the family of Triakidae and is found at the depth of about 800m. The size of the fish can grow to nearly 2m.The shape of the face of the fish has an elongated snout and a small body […]

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28 July

Spanish Jack is a cool name but the fish is also popular with the name ‘Rainbow Runner’ (Elagatis bipinnulata). The fish is a member of the Carangidae family and is present in abundance in the tropical and the sub-tropical areas of the world.The fish has a fusiform shape, a pointed head, two dorsal fins, and […]

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28 July

Spiny Lobsters are a primary catch for the fisherman of California, both the regional fisherman along with commercial fisherman are players and yields outstanding figures of spiny lobsters catch.The red-orange lobsters are found in the waters of tropical and sub-tropical areas of the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.Spiny Lobsters remain in […]

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28 July

Spotted Sand bass is a member of the Serranidae family and is also called as Bay bass. From first glance, you can spot this fish with its dorsal fin and a lot of brown and black dark spots across its body.The fish is native to California and is a popular catch by the anglers in […]

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28 July

The scientific name of Striped Marlin is (Kajikia audax) and it belongs to the family of Istiophoridae.It is a sleek and sharp looking fish seen in the waters of tropical and Indo-pacific oceans. It is a popular catch for recreational anglers and the biggest Striped Marlin ever caught weighed 420 lb.The appearance of this fish […]

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28 July

Thresher Shark belongs to the class of Chondrichthyes and the family of Alopiidae. The fin tail of these fishes can be as long as their body. Thresher Sharks prefer to swim around the temperature waters and tropical oceans of the world.These fishes because of their caudal fin earned the title to be one of the […]

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28 July

Triggerfishes are shallow-water marine fishes and are seen in the tropical and subtropical oceans of the world.There are more than 35 species of the Triggerfishes, found in the salty water oceans, coral reefs, and at times in the aquariums. These fishes are quite aggressive while protecting their areas and are also seen battling with a […]

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