West Coast Saltwater Whales and Mammals

27 July

Vermillion Rockfish falls in the category of Sebastes miniatus and is known with the common names Vermillion rockfish, Red Snapper, Red Rock, etc. The fish is found in the waters of the Pacific Ocean of North America. The fish is bright red colored with black edges and is normally caught from the deep waters.

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27 July

Wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri) is a popular and familiar food fish of the Scombridae family. Is looks sleek is one of the high-prized sports fishing catch.These fishes can be found in the tropic and sub-tropic areas of the world (mostly not too far from the land). Since, these are already in abundance, both scientists and commercial […]

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22 July

The White Seabass belongs to the family of Sciaenidae and is also known as White Weakfish. It is generally seen on the Western coast of North America; Ventura, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego being major spots to catch the fish.The fish has a compressed face and a body with bluish to grey […]

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22 July

The Wolf Eel is scientifically called as Anarrhichthys Ocellatus. From first glance, it doesn’t resemble an eel, rather you can call it an eel-like fish that belongs to the family of Anarhichadidae.Wolf Eels are founded in the North Pacific from Japan to the South of California. These fishes are grey, brown, and dark olive and […]

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22 July

The Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) is an open ocean fish found in the waters of tropical areas of the globe except for the Mediterranean waters.It is a popular fish that weighs around 400 pounds and like to travel the tropical world waters in schools (way of swimming of group of fishes in the same direction […]

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