West Coast Saltwater Whales and Mammals

01 October

Basking Shark is called as the second-largest Shark right after the Whale Shark. The scientific name of this fish is Cetorhinus maximus and belongs to Cetorhinidae as cited by T.N Gill. Further, the fish belongs to Cetorhinus Genus.These fishes can be seen in the temperate waters of all around the world. On average, the size […]

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01 October

The Blue Whale species are undoubtedly the largest marine animal and of course something that everyone loves to talk about.The size of the giant creature is larger than the combined size of a few buses. The scientific name of Blue Whale is Balaenoptera musculus. It belongs to the species B. musculus and the family Balaenopteridae.The […]

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01 October

Bottlenose Dolphins are further classified into three species namely Tursiops truncatus, Tursiops aduncus, and Tursiops australis.The common bottlenose Dolphins are founded in tropical to temperate oceans.Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins are founded in the waters around India, Northern Australia, Red Sea, and South ChinaThese Bottlenose Dolphins can grow up to 13 feet and can be as heavy […]

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01 October

The California Gray Whale has the binomial name Eschrichtius Robustus, these gigantic creatures belong to the family of Eschrichtiidae and genus Eschrichtius.These are founded in the waters of Eastern North Pacific (North American) and Western North Pacific (Asian).These marine mammals can grow up to 49 ft and can weigh up to 90,000 lb. Subsequently, the […]

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01 October

The California Sea Lion is scientifically known as Zalophus californianus, these eared seals are generally found in North America, Alaska and near Mexico.These beautiful creatures belong to the family Otariidae and genus Zalophus. These are sexually dimorphic i.e. the appearance and physical characteristics differ in shape and coloration between different sexes.The length of the male […]

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01 October

The Common Dolphin is quite abundant in the oceans and is similar to other dolphin species such as Bottlenose Dolphins, Humpback Dolphins, Striped Dolphins and Spinner Dolphins etc.As the boat surfs across the ocean; you can find these Common Dolphins in the warm-temperate and tropical waters. These fishes prefer to stay around environments such as […]

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01 October

Dall’s Porpoise is scientifically called as Phocoenoides Dalli; the fish belongs to the family Phocoenidae and genus Phocoenoides. These fishes have wide and a robust body with a comparatively tiny head. The habitat of Dall’s Porpoise belongs to the North Pacific i.e. from California to the Sea of Japan.As a fact; the name of the […]

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01 October

Elephant Seals are marine mammals from the family Phocidae and the genus Mirounga. These Seals are earless seals and are further classified into two more species – Northern Elephant Seal and Southern Elephant Seal.The scientific name of the Northern Elephant Seal is M. angustirostris, these are generally seen in the Eastern Pacific Ocean.The scientific name […]

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01 October

False Killer Whale are scientifically called as Pseudorca crassidens. These are really giant in size and belong to the family Delphinidae and Genus Pseudorca.The habitat of these fishes are somewhat every major ocean where these resides in the tropical regions. These fishes are somewhat not so aggressive and are also kept in many aquariums across […]

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01 October

Great White Sharks are highly renowned for their aggressiveness and popularity of their attacks on humans. The scientific name of the Great White Shark is Carcharodon carcharias. These predators belong to the family Lamnidae and Genus Carcharodon.These giants are the largest predatory fishes on the planet and attacks around 100 people every year. These fishes […]

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