GoFish Features

Events Calendar

The dynamic events calendar helps you see the view of the entire month in one screen.

  • Monthly view
  • Sort by boat name
  • Sort by trip type
  • Sort by event status


  • User Search: search user by name, phone number or email
  • Booking Search: Search by confirmation number, transaction id or status
  • Event Search: Search by event date, trip types or boat name
  • Floaters / pending refund list
  • Refunded List

Current Events

  • Sort events by date, trip type or boat
  • Edit Event
  • Block/ Unblock Event
  • View event details

Recent Bookings

  • Sort by booking date, departure date, boat name, trip type and amount
  • View booking details


Shortcut for every function and quick view of upcoming events and recent bookings

Recent Declines

See declined transactions for a time span

Create Events

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Open Boats/ Head Boats

Open Party boats, also referred to locally as ‘open boats’ or ‘head boats’, are vessels that accommodate from six to as many as two hundred anglers on each trip. These are ticketed events and there can be different tickets for different age groups.

Charter Boats

Charter boats service groups of fewer passengers (up to six) for a flat rate fee but captains may combine reservations and carry more than one group of anglers on the same fishing trip on a per angler cost basis. For longer trips the captain may add additional costs like fuel surcharge.

Standard Manual Charters

When a customer gets into your shop and wants to book a charter in his name; that’s what Standard Charters are meant for or a Customer calls your business and wants to book a charter, create a Charter manually in such cases. When there is no involvement of a website in a charter booking; it is categorized as Standard Charters.


Vouchers are a great way of providing complimentary tickets. The feature can also be used to add Groupon Codes.

  • Add vouchers
  • Redeem vouchers

Boat Payout Reports

Boat payout report is a financial statement that shows the money collected and disbursed for events during a time frame.

  • Trip Report (single boat)
  • Shift Report (multiple boats)
  • Payout Report
  • Boat Expenses

Check-in Module

You can mark passengers at boarding time as checked-in or no show

Add Trip Types

Create multiple types of trips that you run and connect the trip types with each boat.

Add Boats

Add multiple boats in you account and create multiple trips per boat

Add Ticket Types

Create unlimited ticket types like General, Adult, Veteran, Senior, Child etc…


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Review System

Use this system to send out emails and text messages to the customers who have recently boarded any trip. Customers can post a review on your social profiles or leave feedback.


For seamless communication with your customers, we have developed communication templates that will help you to send messages to your customers via email and SMS


  • Home
  • Send Blast
  • Reports
  • Help

Payment Settings

  • Convenience Fee
  • Gateway Settings
  • Processing Fee Settings
  • Tax Settings


Booking Embeds are GoFish’s booking engine’s functionality which you can embed on your landing’s websites and start taking bookings by customers.

  • Show your trip calendar on your website, and customers can book trips on your website.

Billing Report

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.