Boat booking software for
Open Party Trips

When you run an event where individuals can buy online individual seats, one or multiple seats, our ticketing system is great because they receive their confirmation via text and email. The mobile alerts allow you to communicate with your passengers individually. And there’s no account creation, all guest check out, making it a quick and easy checkout system at a flat rate of 99 cents only.
The convenience fee of 99 cents per seat can be attached to the client or you can absorb it with ease by a toggle switch. You can create a variety of open party or heat boats with our dynamic Boat Booking Software. If you run day trips like Half Day AM and PM Trips or Full Day Trips or Multi Day Trips you can create them all with ease. And then you would just go in here and you would say scenario one, scenario two. There are some scenarios where you have different ticket prices on the same boat, you can add unlimited types of tickets with different price per ticket. And there can be a scenario where you want to add a complimentary seat for your private guests or someone from the family, our system also lets you add a comp that doesn’t have any price but block the seat, So you have these kinds of scenarios that you can do with our Head Boat Booking Software.

Open Boats or Head Boats

What kind of Open Party events are you looking for? Check out the various scenarios you can run using the GoFish Open Party Boat Booking Software. Some charter votes are flat rate. You pay this much for this many people, and that’s your charter price. Type two, where you offer multi trips in a day, AM and PM or full day, meaning someone can buy 8 hours in the morning or 8 hours in the evening or 6 hours in the morning, 6 hours in the evening or 12 hour day. Either way. That’s one type. There’s another type where people can have, they can book the trip for 2s a certain amount of passengers. If your boat holds ten people, 2s this price is good for four and it’s another $200 per passenger. And you can hold up to six more passengers and there’s that kind of billing. You can also set this up for multi day and you can also add in different expense types for instance, with the gas prices rising, we all know the cost of diesel fuel is just continuing to chew away at our profits.

Welcome to your organized calendar

Gofish charter booking system lets you create a variety of trips with multiple options of pricing and additional cost. The dynamic events calendar helps you see the view of the entire month in one screen. Gofish charter booking system gives you freedom to create single day overnight or multi day trips for a specific day or for a span of period in one click. The public side of the charter booking system is designed to give users a seamless experience right from choosing the trip options to make payment and getting booking confirmation via email and secured text message. The system also gives you freedom to modify all the communication templates that are sent out to the customers.

What does GoFish Online Fishing Charter Booking Software do for you?

We highly recommend the GoFish.Rocks reservation system and especially its promoter Larry, who thanks to his knowledge of computer systems and marketing has helped us to keep our status as leaders in our industry...Read Full Testimonial

Simple pricing. No hidden fees.


GoFish booking system does not charge additional fees to YOU OR your customers. The price you set is the price your customer pays.


That’s right, we only get paid if you get paid!


We want to continuously earn your business daily without locking you in. We are that confident with our services.